X. International Participation Maintenance Technologies and Congress

Event Date: 20 October 2022 00:00 - 22 October 2022 23:59


The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers aims to bring together the parties related to the maintenance sector and contribute to the development of knowledge on maintenance by organizing the tenth International Participation Maintenance Technologies Congress and Exhibition (BTKS) in Denizli on October 20-22, 2022.

In the 9 previous congresses organized by the Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, the importance of maintenance and maintenance has been discussed, the point and innovations in maintenance have been discussed and very important results have been obtained in the field of maintenance engineering. In this respect, the Maintenance Technologies Congress and Exhibition with International Participation is a congress where everyone working in this field all over the world meets and discusses the innovations in the field of maintenance.

The fact that it is in a continuous development with industrial revolutions has made maintenance engineering a common field of almost all engineering branches. For this reason, BTKS is a platform open to all sectors, products, services and all engineering branches.

The congress language will be bilingual (English - Turkish). Full-text papers submitted to the Congress will be double-blinded and peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be included in the Congress program. Full-text papers presented at the congress will be peer-reviewed again and will be published in "Engineer and Machinery" and "Industrial Engineering" journals.