Aviation Technologies and Applications Conference 2023 – ATAConf’23

Held since 2012 by the name of Ulusal Havacılık Teknolojisi ve Uygulamaları Kongresi (UHAT) in the cooperation of National Defence University and Aviation Higher Vocational School of Ege University will now be organized internationally by the name of Aviation Technologies and Applications Conference 2023 – ATAConf’23. It will be held as a face-to-face and online event in Izmir on October 20-21, 2023, hosted by the National Defence University Air NCO Higer Vocational School. It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Aviation Technologies and Applications Conference 2023 – ATAConf’23.

The participants will be offered to submit and present their works in the extended abstract format in Turkish or English. The presented extended abstracts will be published in Conference Proceeding Books electronically in October 2023. The full-texts selected by the Scientific Committee will be printed as International Book Chapters in the book entitled Aviation Technologies and Applications published by the Ege University Press. Further information about ATAConf and the paper submission guidelines can be accessed from conference web page.